Snapshots in FCS Express 7 provide a way to easily save multiple gate, quadrant, or marker positions for quick access across samples in your analysis. Snapshots can be manually defined by working with the Snapshots Navigator or automatically each time a gate is moved while advancing through the Data List using the Data tab Next/Prev commands, or during Batch Processing.  Automatically created Snapshots do not appear in the Snapshots navigator. 


The Snapshots navigator can be opened from the Tools tab→Snapshots category→Snapshots (Figure 9.177).


Figure 9.171 - Snapshots Icon from Ribbon

Figure 9.171 - Snapshots Icon from Ribbon


The Snapshots navigator (Figure 9.178) includes the following options:


Create a new Snapshot - Creates a new Snapshot of the current gate, marker, and quadrant positions.

Create a new Folder - Creates a new folder in the Snapshot navigator to organize Snapshots from the analysis.

Delete - Deletes the selected Snapshot in the navigator.

Rename the selected Snapshot - Renames the selected Snapshot in the navigator.

Apply Snapshot - Applies the selected Snapshot to the layout.

Snapshot Date and Time - Records the Date and Time that a Snapshot of the layout was created.

Description - Allows user to describe selected snapshot


Figure 9.172 The commands available in the Snapshots navigator.

Figure 9.172 The commands available in the Snapshots navigator.