This category controls the default Titles Options for plots.  The options are explained below and pictured in Figure 20.1.


Figure 20.1  Titles Options

Figure 20.1  Titles Options




Visible headers are the default for plot titles, "centered" with a grey background, no shadow, and a black border.

The first row of the header text defaults to the file name Keyword: $FCSE_FILENAMENOPATH for plot text box ...  which represents the local file name (no drive\folder) with compensation text that is defined in the General section of the FCS Express User Options.

The second row of the header text defaults to the Current Gate keyword, which displays the name of the gate that is applied to the base overlay.


The text options for titles are explained in the table and text below.






Select either a Header or Footer in the upper left corner of the dialog to determine which title location is currently being edited. Headers and footers can co-exist.


Check or uncheck the check box to turn the Header/Footer on or off.


Customize the header/footer font style, size, and text color.

Text Field

Enter text to be displayed in the Header/Footer in this field. Keywords chosen will appear in the text field as codes, but expand to file-specific values in the title.

Insert Token

A drop-down a list of special tokens that can be used in plot titles. The following options are available:

Keyword from Data. Opens the FCS keyword list for the current file. Select keyword(s) from the list (using Ctrl to select multiple keywords) to insert in the header/footer.

File name with Path. Displays the data file name including the drive and folder.

File name without path. Displays the data file name without the drive\folder path.

File name from Data. Displays the $FIL keyword (which is part of the FCS standard and is placed into the data file header during sample acquisition).

Current Gate. Displays the name of the gate that is applied to the base overlay.

Plot number. Displays the Plot Number of the plot (usually visible as part of the plot name in General options).

Other Tokens.... Let the user insert any of the tokens available in the layout. An Inserting Tokens window will open upon selecting this option.

Background visible

Check to enable a visible background for the Title. Options for customizing the background include color, shadow size, and shadow color options.

Background color

Set the background color of the header/footer title.

Shadow Size

Set the shadow size of the header/footer title. To remove the shadow, set the Shadow Size to 0.

Shadow Color

Set the shadow color of the header/footer title.

Rounded Border

Check to display the rectangle surrounding the header/footer title with rounded edges.

Background Border Visible

Check to display a visible background border for the header/footer title.

Background Border Color

Set the color of the background border for the header/footer title.


Align the title text left, center, or right.